Rika Fox Pawzer
Boop Boop!
Rika is a fun loving, strawberry consuming, fluff gremlin.
She is boisterous, outgoing, and often times so full of energy that the only way she can manage to get it out is by making odd noises and going full gremlin mode. Despite this, however, she does enjoy settling down and cozying up in a ridiculous amount of blankets and watching cartoons. She has sticky fingers, so keep your food close or she may make off with it! (Especially strawberries!)
Friends are extremely important to Rika, and she is very protective of them. Despite her crazy, loud, and sometimes hostile behavior, she is kind and loving at heart. 💙

Name: Rika Fox Pawzer
Species: Arctic Fox
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: Any, but primarily she/her
Sexuality: Asexual
Age: 27
Created: 2005
Height: 4 ft
Body Type: Thin with tiny belly pudge and wide thighs/hips
Main fur color: Aqua!! (NOT LIGHT BLUE)
Eye Color: Orange sclera, yellow iris, pink slit/vertical pupil
Fave Food: Strawberries/Strawberry Meat
Fave color(s): Yellow, black, pink, aqua, purple
Fave location: The beach! Or anywhere cozy
Fave accessories: Her scooter, her hammer, shark plushies, berrymeat, charmeleons, cool outfits (see guide to left), floaties
Powers: Blue fire
Some of the above may be different depending on the versionCharacter notes
Rika is a thief! She is sneaky and likes to steal whatever she can get her paws on. Usually food! However, unless she is feeding herself, her thievery is used for those less fortunate.
Rika loves the beach and may be depicted as a pirate. If only she didn't hate water so much.
She has a trusty scooter that is basically an extension of her leg, and wields a giant hammer that imprints or burns a smiley face into whatever it hits.
Below you can find links to Rika's refs and all her alternate versions!!
Some versions of Rika are seasonal. In the first row, the active version of Rika is depicted with a star.

All the Rikas!
Below you can find links to Rika's refs and all her alternate versions!!
Some versions of Rika are seasonal. In the first row, the active version of Rika is depicted with a star.

Classic Rika
Rika's classic look! If that wasn't obvious. She may be commonly depicted in Beast form, but she was created with plantigrade legs and therefore her classic look is planti.
Classic Rika differs from Beast Rika not only in terms of look but also personality. She is slightly more laid back and less wild in this form, but still same old gremlin nonetheless! Classic Rika also tends to wear clothing more often than all the other forms, aside from Freaka and toony.

Alternate Versions

Drawing Dos: Please do draw her with her scooter/hammer/blue fire/strawberries/strawberry meat, with friends, punching bigots, in gore/candy gore art (within reason).
Drawing Don'ts: DO NOT draw her with boobs/breasts, nipples, in sexual themes/porn, in fetish art, with human feet, doing drugs, in offensive art, with a diaper.
Important note about eyes
Please make her iris large! So there is more yellow and less orange. If your style calls for only one or two eye colors, use yellow as the main, and pink as secondary.
Also, pupils are slit, like a fox eye. Please don't make them round unless the style calls for it!
Please note the design on the back of her ears. It is specific.
Beast Rika
Beast Rika is basically the same as classic, but digitigrade! This is the version of Rika that most people are familiar with, and the one that is usually drawn. Classic/planti Rika is more laid back, while beast version is more, well, beastly. Imagine a cat while its running around the house at 3am, but with the attitude of Sonic. That's Beast Rika.

Alternate Versions

Drawing Dos: Please do draw her with her scooter/hammer/blue fire/strawberries/strawberry meat, with friends, punching bigots, in gore/candy gore art (within reason).
Drawing Don'ts: DO NOT draw her with boobs/breasts, nipples, in sexual themes/porn, in fetish art, with human feet, doing drugs, in offensive art, with a diaper.
Important note about eyes
Please make her iris large! So there is more yellow and less orange. If your style calls for only one or two eye colors, use yellow as the main, and pink as secondary.
Also, pupils are slit, like a fox eye. Please don't make them round unless the style calls for it!
Please note the design on the back of her ears. It is specific.
Note: Some of the following images depict Rika's older design.
Please Refer to the reference sheet for the correct design of her arms, legs, and paws.
Freaka is what happens when Rika is overwhelmed with Halloweeny vibes. She is the ring leader to her own Freakshow and is active Sept 1st-Nov 1st. Freaka is as wild as she gets. She basically just laughs and eats and causes problems. Rika and Freaka are technically separate consciousnesses that share the same existence. Rika isn't always too fond of Freaka taking over.

Alternate Versions
shiny version is outdated. Please ask before drawing it!

Drawing Dos: Please do draw her with her scooter/hammer/blue fire/strawberries/strawberry meat, with friends, punching bigots, in gore/candy gore art (within reason).
Drawing Don'ts: DO NOT draw her with boobs/breasts, nipples, in sexual themes/porn, in fetish art, with human feet, doing drugs, in offensive art, with a diaper.
Freaka is tall! much taller than all other forms of Rika. She is like, 6-8 ft tall. Have fun with it!
The jester outfit is her standard clothing, but feel free to come up with something! Marching band/ring leader/jester inspired, and halloween colors are also good.
Left side of mouth is always frowning.
Art by others below
Winter Coat
After Freaka's reign, Rika comes out in full floof! In true Arctic fox fashion, Rika dawns a thick and whiter coat in winter. Despite loving the beach, Rika feels right at home in the snow as well. Only if she has her fluff on tho! Rika has her winter coat from Nov 1st-March 1st.

Alternate Versions

Drawing Dos: Please do draw her with her scooter/hammer/blue fire/strawberries/strawberry meat, with friends, punching bigots, in gore/candy gore art (within reason).
Drawing Don'ts: DO NOT draw her with boobs/breasts, nipples, in sexual themes/porn, in fetish art, with human feet, doing drugs, in offensive art, with a diaper.
Important note about eyes
Please make her iris large! So there is more yellow and less orange. If your style calls for only one or two eye colors, use yellow as the main, and pink as secondary.
Also, pupils are slit, like a fox eye. Please don't make them round unless the style calls for it!
Make her big poof!!
Art by others below
Riko Suave
Sometimes, when your friends make fun of your name, you just roll with it! I also wanted to see how Rika looked as a goat and well, Riko Suave was born! He is the same as Rika, but just a goat and primarily uses he/him pronouns. His personality is similar to Classic Rika's, as he is quite laid back. However, he likes to kick the heck out of things he doesn't like. Don't get on his bad side! His buck is worse than his bite.

Alternate Versions

Drawing Dos: Please do draw him with his scooter/hammer/blue fire/strawberries/strawberry meat, with friends, punching bigots, in gore/candy gore art (within reason).
Drawing Don'ts: DO NOT draw him with bulge, nipples, in sexual themes/porn, in fetish art, with human feet, doing drugs, in offensive art, with a diaper.
Important note about eyes
Please make his iris large! So there is more yellow and less orange. If your style calls for only one or two eye colors, use yellow as the main, and pink as secondary.
Also, pupils are horizontal, like a goat eye. Please don't make them round unless the style calls for it!
He likes to dress in fancy suits, especially pirate!
Shiny Rika
I fully support and encourage the idea of Shiny sonas. Pokémon have alternate color "shinies", so I believe we can too! Shiny Rika fully embraces the color pop summer vibes. Also, when someone who is not Vix (me, hello) is wearing Rika's fursuit, the badges worn will be shiny Rika! It is a fun and subtle way to know that I am relaxing somewhere but Rika is still out and about to make people smile. :)

Alternate Versions

Drawing Dos: Please do draw her with her scooter/hammer/blue fire/strawberries/strawberry meat, with friends, punching bigots, in gore/candy gore art (within reason).
Drawing Don'ts: DO NOT draw her with boobs/breasts, nipples, in sexual themes/porn, in fetish art, with human feet, doing drugs, in offensive art, with a diaper.
Important note about eyes
If your style calls for only one or two eye colors, use yellow or teal as the main, and pink as secondary.
Also, pupils are slit, like a fox eye. Please don't make them round unless the style calls for it!
Make her eye shinies diamond shaped unless the style calls for a specific shape. (This goes for ALL shiny versions!)
Please note the design on the back of her ears. It is specific.
Note: Some of the following images depict Rika's older design.
Please Refer to the reference above for the correct design of her arms, legs, and paws.
Sparkle Rika
Sparkle Rika was created out of spite. Too often I see people online making fun of other people's sonas for crazy colors and designs (also known as Sparkledogs). Many jokes are made like "ah my eyes!" and the like, and honestly, it is not fun to experience. So in support of everyone who has characters exactly the way THEY want, with all the colors and patterns they feel comfortable with, I made Sparkle Rika! She is inspired by summer, fire, clowns, and her fave colors. Also wings were added for good measure!

Alternate Versions

Drawing Dos: Please do draw her with her scooter/hammer/blue fire/strawberries/strawberry meat, with friends, punching bigots, in gore/candy gore art (within reason).
Drawing Don'ts: DO NOT draw her with boobs/breasts, nipples, in sexual themes/porn, in fetish art, with human feet, doing drugs, in offensive art, with a diaper.
Important note about eyes
Please make her iris large! So there is more yellow and less orange. If your style calls for only one or two eye colors, use yellow as the main, and pink as secondary.
Also, pupils are slit, like a fox eye. Please don't make them round unless the style calls for it!
The "white" is more of an eggshell.
Note: Some of the following images depict Rika's older design.
Please Refer to the reference above for the correct design of her arms, legs, and paws.
Gray Rika
Gray Rika is essentially her true form. When she was young, she was gray and felt lost. When she began to have confidence in herself, that turned her aqua! Sometimes tho, she can't keep up with her optimistic nature and her color and markings fade. Gray Rika is almost always depicted as sad, anxious, or angry. We don't like to see gray Rika, but we love her anyway!

Alternate Versions

Drawing Dos: Please do draw her with her scooter/hammer/blue fire/strawberries/strawberry meat, with friends, punching bigots, in gore/candy gore art (within reason).
Drawing Don'ts: DO NOT draw her with boobs/breasts, nipples, in sexual themes/porn, in fetish art, with human feet, doing drugs, in offensive art, with a diaper.
Important note about eyes
Her eyes are gray!! But if she is really mad, they can be the same pink as her regular eyes. Also, pupils are slit, like a fox eye. Please don't make them round unless the style calls for it!
She doesn't have the black markings on her ears and sides in this version
Art by others below
Toony Rika
(Sonic Style)
Rika came into this world as a Sonic fan OC, so she will never escape that fate. Toony Rika (aka Sonic style or Mobius Rika) is a call back to her OG looks, which there were many of even back then. She just can't choose one. Always complicated. Toony Rika is special however, as there is much room for artistic freedom! This may be her official Sonic style look, but it is also a guideline for a simpler version of Rika for those with really toony or simple art styles!

Alternate Versions

Drawing Dos: Please do draw her with her scooter/hammer/blue fire/strawberries/strawberry meat, with friends, punching bigots, in gore/candy gore art (within reason).
Drawing Don'ts: DO NOT draw her with boobs/breasts, nipples, in sexual themes/porn, in fetish art, with human feet, doing drugs, in offensive art, with a diaper.
Important notes about design
-Please make her iris large! So there is more yellow and less orange. If your style calls for only one or two eye colors, use yellow as the main, and pink as secondary.
Also, pupils are slit, like a fox eye. Please don't make them round unless the style calls for it!
-Feel free to alter her design to fit the toony style you are going for. DOES NOT have to be strictly sonic style!
-Outfits are optional, but please ask before straying from what's on the ref, with the exception of kigus.
Please note the design on the back of her ears. It is specific.
Dragon Rika
Rika's classic look! If that wasn't obvious. She may be commonly depicted in Beast form, but she was created with plantigrade legs and therefore her classic look is planti.
Classic Rika differs from Beast Rika not only in terms of look but also personality. She is slightly more laid back and less wild in this form. But, still same old gremlin nonetheless! Classic Rika also tends to wear clothing more often than all the other forms, aside from Freaka.

Alternate Versions
Drawing Dos: Please do draw her with her scooter/hammer/blue fire/strawberries/strawberry meat, with friends, punching bigots, in gore/candy gore art (within reason)
Drawing Don'ts: DO NOT draw her with boobs/breasts, nipples, in sexual themes/porn, in fetish art, with human feet, doing drugs, in offensive art, with a diaperImportant note about eyes
Please make her iris large! So there is more yellow and less orange. If your style calls for only one or two eye colors, use yellow as the main, and pink as secondary.
Also, pupils are slit, like a fox eye. Please don't make them round unless the style calls for it!
Rika's Fursuits!
Rika has had many changes over the years, but is still always the same lovable fox!
Check out her different suit versions and who made them!
Version 5
Fullsuit by Vix
Version 4
Head by Elk Craft (2017), Body by Locadocoon,
tail by SammySmiles, Paws by Vix
Version 4 (Freaka)
Head by Elk Craft (2017),
Mask/horns/teeth/eye/tail/paws by Vix
All photos by Sweet Fire
Version 3
Head (2017) /paws/nub tail/arm sleeves by Vix
Body by Locadocoon, Full tail/sock paws by SammySmiles
Version 2
Head by Elk Craft (2013), Paws by Vix and Elk,
Body by Locadocoon, Tail by SammySmiles
Version 2
Photos by Kathryn Hyslop Photography
Version 1
By Elk Craft (2011)